Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day One 152.2 Miles

Soundtrack: Otis Live at the Whiskey

"Fixed" Mirror

Step one for the roadtrip.... gluing the side mirror back on, again. This time I did it myself though! Unfortunately, didn't have the same luck with the trunk. I have been unable to get into it for the last year, so the day before I leave i try to fix it. Crawling into the trunk through the passway from the back seat. Apparently just hitting the lock from the inside with a screw driver doesn't work. Taking it to The Woodland Roadhouse eventually got the trunk open, and then, unfortunately, it wouldn't close. So after all that, I had to pack the trunk from the backseat in small bags that would fit through the passway.

Passway from the backseat.

Ithaca Behind me...

Finally on the road i head towards Wilkes Barre, PA. Home of my Aunt and Uncle The DeVivas. My only passenger for this trip... Music, Sunglasses and a map... What else would i need?

5 pairs of sunglasses should do me I hope.

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